Free Publishing Service

Aldo-Quagliotti1-300x275 About Us

Aldo signs contract

About Us we love poetry in all forms, our goal is to promote performance poetry and to give opportunity to unheard voices, we hope to continue to offer a free publishing Service for selected new poets and all genres. Free publishing  selected by committee if not selected we can still help, we offer William Cornelius Harris Publishing services for a small  fee, Our performance evening is the last Friday of the months except Aug and Dec

Paper Tiger Poetry

Return Friday 29th Oct 2021

 Paper Tiger Poetry, Friday 29th Oct,  No Paper Tiger Poetry Aug or Dec The last Friday of the month until November 2025 where performance poets have the opportunity to be seen by our committee. If the committee feel they can work with you, new talented performer and writer from different genres,will be offer a book contract from William Cornelius Harris Publishing (W.C.H. Publishing) our goals to assist with 20 new books contracts covering all genress. Paper Tiger Poetry and send your poem in for consideration for our Anthology and one day hope to open our first poetry book shop


                                       We can only continue to offer a free service if you continue support our goals
Thank you for your financial gift, and for your willingness to help us move forward. We would humbly like to extend our thanks to you for your willingness to provide us with financial support. Your donation is greatly appreciated..

                                                 Our Team

                                                      Publisher William Cornelius Harris

                                                    Editorial Lorna Harris

                                                   Design James Worthington

                                             Web design and site maintenance Jason Why

                                        Editorial Consultant Louise Harris

                                       London Poetry Books Trademark registered IPO

                                         London Poetry Books ®




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