When London Finally Gave In and Started To Love eB...




When London Finally Gave In and Started To Love epub

When London Finally Gave In and Started To Love eBook. finally the fantastic performance poet Ernie Burns has penned his poems in a book title  When London Finally Gave In and Started to Love eBook (W.L.F.G.I and S.T.L ),  we can carry him around in our pockets! This collection ‘’ is a superb distillation of five years of his writing; full of what Ernie writes best about, the heart! When London Finally Gave In and Started To Love epub

Poem from When London Finally Gave In and Started To Love epub

Bad Day

This is a “worse” day It holds “worse” for me And I fear more “worse” Is bound to appear Because “worse” is a curse That scares my “Okay” Muscles it out and packs it away It is going to be a terrible day

Because “worse” is a bad listener It does not care When I say In a stern admonishing tone “Bad day bad!” …It runs off Making people think I am mad Talking to a day like that And all I will get today is “Worse” So, how I will feel today is bad

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Product Details

ISBN 9781326238360
Edition First
Published 08 April 2015
Language English
File Format ePub
File Size 43.06 KB

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 Format ePub
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